Slender Wonder has a base of more than 40 years of experience, combined with the very latest discoveries in the field of weight loss with scientifically proven principles that have stood the test of time.
Obesity is a medical problem. Having excess weight for one's height can increase the likelihood of developing many diseases. With the Slender Wonder weight loss program, you'll lose fat, improve your health and create a healthy lifestyle.
There is a scientific method for classifying the weight-to-height ratio: the Body Mass Index (BMI). Calculate it as follows: BMI = weight/height². As shown in the diagram Figure 1, a BMI > 30kg/m² is classified as obese. Being overweight means that you have an increased risk of becomming obese.
In general, the modern lifestyle is more sedentary, associated with less physical activity and often combined with unhealthy diets. Obesity is the fastest growing medical problem worldwide and has become one of the major global health concerns.
If your BMI shows that your overweight or obese you could be at risk and need medical weight loss support.
This program is conducted under the care of Dr. Schutte, GP. A full check-up dictates the extent and intensity of the treatment to help you achieve your ideal body weight.
The Slender Wonder Meal Plan
This flexible, practical plan will help you to change your eating habits without starving yourself, it is well
balanced and incorporates a meal replacement shake to ensure optimal nutrition while you lose weight.
The Slender Wonder Supplements
Containing the most up-to-date, natural weight loss aids, the Slender Wonder range helps to normalize your body's
fat burning mechanism, helping you to feel great with abundant energy and improved health (see some of the exciting
benefits further on).
The Slender Wonder Support System
We are committed to walking the road with you, providing emotional and motivational support. Your success is our success.
- Lose 6-10Kg per month
- Reduce Cardiac Risks
- Reduce Cholesterol
- Reduce Blood Pressure
- Improve Diabetic Control
- Improve Insulin Resistance Control
- Improve Self Esteem
- Improve allover Wellbeing
- Weight loss under medical supervision
- Well researched supplementation
- Proper health assessment
- Physiological motivation and support
- Constant observation
- BMI monitoring